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Protector of the Stars Page 3
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Page 3
“Give it time,” Danika whispers close to my ear and I concentrate entirely on the sensation of her breath dancing across my skin. “Lean back if you have to.”
I do as she says, my weight leaning into the dense mass of the animal behind me. Muscles twitch beneath me but the beast doesn’t shy away. Slowly, the black spots fade and I can see the world completely once more.
“I’m ready,” I say and stand up again. Danika’s arms are still around me and I wish I could lean over and kiss the top of her head, to smell her scent, the one that has invaded the caravan all day.
I ignore the impulse and take my first step. Danika is there, her strength as she supports me unbelievable considering her size.
Slowly, we make our way to the fire that is now blazing and the smell of food instantly awakens my hunger.
“You must be on the mend,” Danika responds to the sound of my stomach growling. I laugh at her but it is cut off as the action pulls at my stitches even further. “I’ll have a look at your wound once you have eaten.”
The stars twinkle and I feel the effects of my injury as I fight the urge to nod off. We are all lying comfortably around the fire after eating a hearty meal. My sister is on one side of me, hovering. Danika is on the other side, doing pretty much the same thing. She has managed to make contact with her group and I wonder at what they have said. Danika seems more relaxed for speaking to them but also nervous and I suspect trouble is brewing.
“Tell us about your rebellion?” Dorir says.
“It was kind of accidental to start with,” Danika replies and I turn towards her. I am interested to hear what she has to say as I haven’t heard much of her side of the story yet. Although, Marir has given me a brief outline of how many people were involved and what they plan to do next.
“An accidental rebellion, I love it,” Bogol says as he passes around a skin of chax. I take a swallow when it reaches me. The liquid burns but it’s in a good way. Marir takes it from me before I can drink more.
“That’s enough,” she says with a scowl and I frown right back at her.
Danika smirks at our argument. She takes the skin as Marir passes it to her and takes the tiniest sip. She grimaces at the taste, which makes me laugh. My stitches cut the action short.
“So, about that rebellion?” Dorir prompts once more.
“Yes,” she says, turning away from me, facing Dorir again. “One of the Ocheks on board the Leonida fell in love with his breeder and punched out Emperor Thahars’ son when he talked smack about her. When the human, Beth, was taken from the Ochek, he rebelled. One thing led to another, and it turned into a full-blown rebellion rather than an argument.”
Bogol laughs heartily and takes another swig of chax. “The rebellion that started from a tragic love story, that’s even better.”
“How serious is everyone, though?” Dorir asks and I can see concern etched into his features. He takes this rebellion of ours seriously and Danika’s story has not likely helped her case.
“We were held onboard the Leonida and used. Many of us were abused,” Danika says, the mood suddenly somber once more. “There is no way any of us are going back to the way it was before. We have freedom again, and weapons. We are determined to see this through.”
There is silence as the group ponders what Danika has just said.
“Your group wants to land here, don’t they?” I query. Danika nods her head.
“From our intelligence, Emperor Thahars is currently searching Earth for us. We need a safe haven where we can gather and decide our next move. Bruxland was the first place we considered because there was no link back to us at all. However, considering your group is already involved in a rebellion, it now makes further sense to land here.”
“Marir has told us that Prince Ece is involved with your group,” Dorir says and I see Danika’s face drop. “Can he even be trusted?”
There is a pause before Danika answers, as though she is measuring her response. I glance around at the group and wonder if this delay will temper the answer for everyone.
“Honestly, I do not trust Ece,” Danika finally replies. “That might have to do with my own bias towards his kind. Still, it might not. I think we would all be wise to assume that he is a double agent. However, I do know that he seems intent on bringing down his father and, after speaking to my group earlier, is returning now to the Leonida in order to help free the women still remaining on board. It would likely be wise to hold off any opinions on his allegiance until after this occurs. How that attack plays out will likely be very telling regarding his devotion to the rebellion.”
Ah, so that is why she is anxious, I deduce. She is stuck here while they are planning an attack. I reach out to squeeze her fingers in encouragement. She smiles at me as someone else speaks up.
“When will we know the results of that?” they ask.
“I’m not sure,” Danika replies. “They will contact me once it is over. Or, not. I guess it depends if they are successful. If they are, though, we really need a place to land. Our ship is a tight squeeze regarding passengers already. The numbers will be doubled if everyone is rescued.”
“If the raid is successful and your crew returns and requests access to Bruxland, I can’t see how we can refuse it,” Marir says and I know that her words will sway everyone else. She has already spoken out substantially about Price Ece’s involvement. She doesn’t trust him and would only support him if she believed him. This mission appears to be the perfect way to not only prove Danika’s group’s dedication but of improving our numbers substantially.
“With their help, we can finally make a legitimate effort to overthrow Thahars’ rule,” I say.
“I really appreciate your support,” Danika adds. “Perhaps we could even organize a press release if the attack is successful. There seems to be very little reporting on the rebellion, or even mention of opposing opinions to the Galactic Union. So, to add a news story about the attack might also help grease the way regarding gaining more support.”
“We have tried that in the past but the news outlets are biased towards anything anti-Union. Outlets are scared that they will be punished by Thahars if they speak out against him.”
Danika pauses for a moment, as though contemplating Marir’s reply. “Let me think on this, then. There has to be some way to get the word out. Even if we have to print out fliers ourselves.”
I can feel my eyelids drooping as the conversation continues. Many people are offering suggestions regarding ways of getting the word out about what is happening. It is a useful conversation, one that needs to be had but the effects of my injury are taking its toll. Finally, I turn to Danika.
“I need to lay down,” I say and Danika looks at me with concern.
“Here, let me help you,” she says as she stands and offers her arm as support. I grab it and lean heavily on her as I rise.
“Goodnight all,” I say weakly as I limp away from the huge bonfire, sickly sweat pricking my forehead as my lips start to tingle and my head swims.
It is dark once we leave the light of the fire and Danika clings to me as much as I do to her. Our beds are close by but we still struggle with the loss of light. Danika trips over the first sleeping mat and we at least know that we have found the right place.
“Where do we sleep?” she asks.
“Scout through them all until we have gotten to the other side. If we use these beds here, we will be bumped into by everyone as they go to sleep. The mats are laid out for anyone to use, so there is no need to worry that we have taken someone else’s sleeping spot.”
Carefully, Danika picks her way through the bedding landmines and we finally reach the end.
She crouches down and guides me to my bed. Holding my hand, all I can think about is how warm her skin is, how I want to reach up and touch her face, her hair. But, I don’t. Instead, I sigh quietly as I lay down and wait for the dizziness to subside. Tucking one hand behind my head, I gaze up at the night’s sky. The stars twinkle down a
t me as the sickly feeling settles.
Danika scuffles around in a bag and hands me my medicine as well as a cup of water to wash it down with. The cool liquid makes me feel even better.
“See that row of stars?” I say, pointing in one direction. My eyes have adjusted to the dark somewhat now so I assume Danika’s have done the same. Even still, she leans into me in order to see exactly where I am pointing and the warmth of her body runs the length of mine. I close my eyes with the sensation.
It has been a long time since I have laid with a woman.
“The five bright ones?” she asks.
“Yes, we call them the five Magni.”
“The Magni are important to you, aren’t they?” Danika says. She is staring intently at the sky and I have turned to watch her watching the stars. I wish that she would turn to me, that we could make eye contact and that our lips were close enough to kiss. But she continues to observe the stars.
“They are all that we have left. The Union has taken our healers, so the only option we have is the guidance of the Magni.”
“Tell me more about them,” Danika says and she finally turns. I gaze into her eyes and see the surprise there as she realizes that I have been watching her. Still, her gaze remains once that emotion has smoothed out and I smile at her.
“I have no idea if you have anything like them but we believe that they were once people who lived among us. They were so pure that after they died, the Great Other decided to resurrect them into his realm and make them protectors of our kind. They can access our dimension if we are desperate enough and call out for their help.”
Danika is still looking at me and my fingers itch with wanting to touch her. However, I refrain. I know that the Ochek has been unkind to her and I do not want to create an environment where she will also think the same about my own race.
“They sound something like what we call angels,” Danika finally replies. “Some of our religions believe that these celestial beings will help us in our time of need.”
I continue to watch Danika’s face, the way her lips move as she speaks, how her brown eyes are like deep liquid pools that catch and hold me. The pause between words is lengthening and before I know it, I have leaned in and kissed those plump lips of hers.
She gasps in reply and the moment is broken.
“I’m so sorry,” I say as I pull back my head.
Danika’s brow furrows and I am unsure of what she is thinking. Then, her hand reaches up, touches my face and I close my eyes. She traces along my jaw with one finger.
Her touch is hesitant and I desperately want to return the favor. When I don’t move, her hand closes in on my cheek, as though she is more confident of what she is doing and I open my eyes and watch her gaze of wonder.
“Your skin feels different to what I expected,” she says distractedly as she continues in her pursuit. “I don’t know what I expected at the start before I had to operate on you. Maybe that it would be cold to the touch, or slicker than what it actually is. But I never imagined that it would be so soft.”
I reach up, finally unable to resist the urge. She allows me to touch her face, to follow the same lines that she has traced on my own face just now.
“Your skin is warm, like sunshine,” I say. “It melts under my fingers. It is exactly what I expected.”
Her fingers are still on my cheek, mine replicate hers and I lean in once more to kiss her.
This time she doesn’t resist.
Chapter Seven: Danika
His touch intoxicates me and I can’t believe that I am succumbing to it. My life after my abduction has been hell up until Beth set us all free. I should be fighting against Bivir, against his touch. Surely, he is just another alien wanting to take advantage of me?
But, logically, I know this isn’t likely the case. Bivir has always been kind to me, treated me like something special. Hell, he even called me by the very name that his kind referred to as angels.
The Ochek never did this. Nalar, always showed me exactly what he thought of me. His fists taught me that his kind usually only shows contempt for humans. As a result of this, I vowed never to speak of him or to refer to him by his name. To think it now feels like a betrayal.
Bivir has never shown aggression towards me, never acted as my breeder did. I feel safe in his presence. In fact, I have felt utterly protected ever since touching down on Bruxland. It is a sensation that I have never felt, not even on Earth. Sure, that was my home planet but Bruxland, the people who inhabited it, they were my variety. They were kind and protective towards their own and that is something that I have always craved for. Only my parents had ever supplied that, and then, with my fiancé.
Yet, Bivir felt like … home.
As his lips meet mine, as our kiss intensifies until I am gasping for air, it feels like this is the place that I have been traveling to for my whole life. Only, I never even knew what my journey destination was.
My contentment settles into my bones as I grin through our embrace. I slide my fingers over his slick skin. His touch skims up my arm and a shiver of delight courses through me.
My mouth opens and he is there, hungry, his tongue probing me, desperately searching and I feel a heat rising inside that I haven’t felt for such a long time. It reminds me that Bivir is not well, that he still has plenty of healing left to do. Pulling away from our embrace, I search his face. He gazes back at me, confused as to my intent.
“Are you up to this?” I ask. He kisses me in reply.
I rake my fingers up his arm, reaching for his shoulder, squeezing it hard and a moan escapes through Bivir’s kiss. My fingers reach higher and I feel the course dreadlocks. I want to tangle my fingers in his hair but can’t and I rake gently against his neck and trace his jaw. He leans into my touch.
I sigh as our kiss continues, the happiness a delirium that I embrace wholeheartedly. I never want this moment to end.
Yet, I also want more.
Feeling the dampness of that want, I blush in reply. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. Instead, I should be fighting against Bivir, against these wanton desires. Yet, why should I? Maybe this is exactly what I needed to wash away what my breeder did, of what the Galactic Union did when they first abducted me.
His fingers trace over my shoulder, tickling their way over my breast and I no longer give anything a proper investigation. Instead, I am awash with desire, trapped within my own body, and wanting never to leave this captivity. Not if Bivir is the one in control.
I arch into him, allowing my whole body purchase against his. He grunts under his breath as I bump into his wound and I pull myself away from him.
“No,” he whispers into my ear and a shiver of delight ripples down my back.
His strong arms wrap around me, pulling me back towards him and I meld into him as carefully as my desire will allow. This time there is no hiss of pain from Bivir.
His warm body heats my own and my nether regions pulse in response. Wrapping one leg over his hips, I gingerly pull him in further, our junk colliding together and his erection bounces against me. The heat of it is delicious against my crotch and I rub myself against it, encouraging it to grow further.
The sensation sends me wild and I throw my head back in delight. Bivir dives in, his wet lips brushing against my throat, his tongue trickling along my neck and I let out a small groan of appreciation.
I drag at his shirt, pulling it up and raking my fingers along the hard press of his muscles. He groans and I melt further into his embrace.
Coming up for air, Bivir looks at me, his gaze delving into me, probing my mind and I stare back at him, wondering what he sees, whether the heat of my attraction is showing.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asks and my smile drops slightly. Is he not really that into me? His giant cock pressing into me seems to say otherwise but now I am not sure.
“Only if you do,” I whisper disjointedly. I swallow hard at the prospect of being rejected by Bivir, of him not wanting to make l
ove to me and a sob escapes involuntarily.
“I want it,” he replies. “I want it so bad. But I know what you have been through. I don’t want to be just another species trying to take advantage of you. I want you to want this as much as I do.”
My wet gaze takes him in. He is imploring with his own regard and I smile weakly.
“I want you,” I finally say. “I want you so bad that I can taste it.”
It is all that needs to be said and Bivir dives back in. Our kiss is explosive as we crash together once more. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same. We are as close as two people can be.
Well, almost.
The thought of Bivir entering consumes me, drives me, spurns me forward and I reach down for him, my fingers caressing his bulge. He breaks from our kiss and buries his head into my neck, groaning out his response.
Working down his pants, I feel the pulsing heat of his cock as it breaks free from its enclosure. I gasp at its sheer magnificence as it dances in my hand, searching me out, wanting me so desperately.
I can feel Bivir’s fingers, against my breast as he teases my nipple. Circling it, I writhe against his touch until he takes my nipple between thumb and forefinger and gently squeezes. I bite down on my bottom lip in order to stifle the groan that wants to erupt.
Then, his hand is moving lower, between my breasts, tickling my stomach until he reaches the gap between my top and pants. Sneaking in, I stretch out slightly, inviting him further. His fingers are gentle as they search. I want to scream with the deliciously slow agony of it.
Rubbing the length of his cock, I feel it pulse and respond to my actions. I wonder if he tastes the same as a human man does and I bite down on Bivir’s lip as he leans in and kisses me again.
I want to taste him. Yet, his fingers are just there and I can no longer concentrate on anything but the fact that he is slowly working his way towards my clit.